Micro-Energy Business history


1953 Commenced the joint development of special stainless alloys with Tohoku University.
1955 Accomplished the development of special stainless alloys.
1957 Commenced manufacturing springs for wristwatches.
1968 Newly built a plant at Nishitaga, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi.
1975 Commenced mass production of button-type microbatteries for wristwatches.
1985 Formed an equal merger with Tochigi Koseki and changed its name to Seiko Electronic Components Ltd.
1988 Commenced production of rechargeable button-type microbatteries.
1994 Changed its name to SII Micro Parts Ltd.
1995 Released rechargeable button-type microbatteries for cell phone backups.
1995 Obtained ISO-9001 certification.
1998 Relocated its main plant to the current address to enhance the production capacity.
1999 Obtained ISO-14001 certification.
1999 Announced rechargeable button-type microbatteries for digital camera backups.
2000 Achieved the monthly shipment of 10 million rechargeable button-type microbatteries/capacitors.
2003 Achieved the monthly shipment of 20 million rechargeable button-type microbatteries/capacitors.
2005 Increased capital up to JPY 487.8 million yen for financial strength.
2005 Accomplished the development of mercury-free silver oxide battery.
2005 Relocated the sales office to Tokyo.
2005 Newly built the second building in the headquarters.
2006 Achieved the monthly shipment of 30 million rechargeable button-type microbatteries/capacitors.
2007 Formed a merger with Seiko Instruments Inc. and became its Micro-Energy Division.
2008 Relocated the sales office back to SII Head Office.
2008 Announced the Chip type Electric Double Layer Capacitor.