Seiko Instruments Inc. hereby announces that our company has won the design infringementlitigation case against Chinese electronic parts makers, “厦門精芯科技有限公司,” English notation: XIAMEN JINGXIN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (hereinafterreferred to as “XIAMEN JINGXIN CO.”) and “寧波精芯科技有限公司,” English notation: NINGBO JINGXIN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (hereinafter referred to as”NINGBO JINGXIN CO.”). The litigation case involves the violation of Design Patent of our thermal printer mechanism.

Our company filed a law suit on March 18, 2020 (accepted on May 13, 2020) with “中国厦門市中級人民法院” (Xiamen Intermediate People’s Court, Xiamen in China), as the printer mechanism (Product name: JX-2R-17) manufactured, sold, and offered for sale by XIAMENJINGXIN CO. and NINGBO JINGXIN CO. infringes Design Patent owned by our company. This infringement litigation was appealed to the second court, and on December 3, 2021, “福建省高級人民法院” (Fujian Higher People’s Court) found the infringement by XIAMEN JINGXIN CO. and NINGBO JINGXIN CO. and judged to cease and desist the manufactureand sale of the printer mechanism as being an infringing product, and to pay our company compensation for damages.

The subject Design Patent relates to a printer mechanism “LTP02” of our company’s product,and is developed independently by our company for a POS market throughout the world
including China.

Printer Mechanism “LTP02”

We hereby express our strong intention that, when the Intellectual Property Right owned by our company is determined to be violated by others, we will take an appropriate action like this case, to thereby preserve and enhance our brand value.

【Contact address for this case】
Corporate Planning Dept., Public Information Div.

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